About Jamie Lu

Master Sound Healer

Amma Lu

Jamie Lu comes from a Filipino shamanic lineage and is gifted in Sight (clairvoyance) and Sound (Voice). She is an Intuitive Sound Shaman, world-renowned for working with difficult illnesses after healing herself from a heart condition and Hashimoto’s disease at age 24. She brings through Soul Languages and Songs to facilitate unexpected healings and shifts in consciousness. A Spiritual Mentor to many all over the world, she assists in Embodiment and Sovereign Awakening to one's Source.

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Trine Korsby

Her sound healing and magical spoken language is more than magical and has amazing healing powers!

Michaele Wood

Through Jamie's sound transmissions, I had sounds that unexpectedly came through me - It was so profound! My voice was clearing years of weight and trauma. I felt this incredible energy moving through me, working with my throat, it was unlike anything I have ever experienced before!

Stacia Grace

I can’t explain exactly how it works, but I can tell you I was enveloped in a pillar of Light that felt like a perfectly pure and sterile operating room...but with a warm and cozy glow.

Simone Zhang

Jamie is an incredibly beautiful soul with so much wisdom, light, and compassion. She aims to align each individual to the highest frequency possible and in their own unique soul signature so that holistic healing may occur naturally, and the results speak for themselves. I feel grateful and blessed that our paths have crossed. She is truly one to look out for.

Tammy Hamilton

This healed trauma from ancestral events as well as from womb to now. My goal to release energy blocks and limiting beliefs has been successful for which I am eternally grateful! If you want to achieve powerful "knowing", you can not find a better mentor than Jamie. This is a priceless gift to truly learn who you really are!

Stacia Grace

She vocalized my deepest concerns about life, love, purpose, the past and future with compassion (I said very little for most of the session...she just knew). Then she’d work on that issue with sound, frequency, and transmutative fire. Layer-by-layer, I started to feel the weight lifted.

Stacia Grace

♥ I also quit drinking coffee completely...just had no desire for it at all after the session.

♥ My nervous system was in constant fight or flight before my session and now is regulated and able to handle it all.

♥ The greatest blessing is the restored connection with my eternal SELF.


It was as though my cells were burning off residual patterns and energy that no longer served me, as if I received a cell turn over and rejuvenation. My entire inner experience felt like a heat of energy burning throughout all of my cells leaving me vibrating to process all that was burning off...The following day I experienced a major break through!

Aniek Wesselink

Jamie Lu is the real deal! Jamie sees my Soul's journey more clearly than someone ever did so far. Jamie has surprised me several times by empowering me about the real problem, which is always something other then what I was initially thinking. I don’t know any Healer with as much integrity as Jamie. In a ‘spiritual world’ where I have seen and felt a lot of delusion she is the one to trust.

Saskia Herbert

After Jamie's session I had this new found peace and wholeness inside of myself. I'm also able to connect to my inner truth and guidance, which has allowed many layers of denial to be removed, by trusting and surrendering. Be prepared for miracles to happen when you see Jamie. She has truly changed my life and I'll be forever grateful.