Much of the population is unaware of the hidden energetic interferences that are influencing them.

Like energy vampires, entities and parasites.

Did you know viruses are parasites too? Parasitical entities are blockers to our presence, joy and freedom. They can create re-occurring negatives in our lives and feed negative thinking habits.

In this MasterClass we learn about parasitical consciousness and apply intuitive ways to naturally detox your energy body and immune system from invasion of viruses and parasitical entities.

Learn something about yourself you haven't seen or known before to help you move forwards and find deep relief.

Learn how to meet your Ancestors and receive in their gifts of strength and support to help you gain confidence and fortification of your energy body.

Liberating the Frequency of YOU

Learn How To:

  • Learn about parasitical consciousness and how it manifests in relationships, clients and leaders.

  • Learn how to go beyond boundaries.

  • Release guilt and shame from the body for good.

  • Embody more of the Creator Being you are.

  • Listen to sacred sounds that help you clear entity attachments, detox from parasites, release stuck emotions and balance your brain chemistry.

  • Learn how to jump to the higher timeline free of conflict and raise your unconscious frequency beyond attracting parasitical people and entities.

  • Learn how to fortify yourselves beyond feeling unsafe and in need of protection.

This MasterClass uses consciousness and frequency based healing

to re-establish lines of communication within the body that have been blocked by exposure to viruses, bacteria and day-to-day stresses that can break down the immune system.

"It was as though my cells were burning off residual patterns and energy that no longer served me, as if I received a cell turn over and rejuvenation. My entire inner experience felt like a heat of energy burning throughout all of my cells leaving me vibrating to process all that was burning off...The following day I experienced a major break through!" -- Julz C.

Course Curriculum

  1. 1
  2. 2
    • Discourse for Clearing Ritual

    • Sound Healing: Releasing Guilt and Shame

    • Sound Healing: The Clearing Ritual

  3. 3
    • Self Mastery: Liberate your Inner Sight to see Truth

    • Exercise: Remove satanic imprints and enslavement contracts

    • Exercise: Clear luceferian imprints and contracts

    • Exercise: End karmic debt carrying

  4. 4
    • Meet your Gatekeepers and put them to work!

    • Sound Healing: Guardianship and the Four Pillars of Divine Love

  5. 5
    • Fortify your Frequency by receiving Ancestral Gifts

    • Sound Healing: Fortify your Immune Systems

Align More Deeply with the Love that you are

Identify energy leaks, heal auric vulnerabilities, release distractions and fortify yourself with the frequency of YOU.

Love is in everything and everyone. The more we clear the distractions, heal our vulnerabilities and remove interferences, the more we embody the Oneness and Omnipresence of Love.

This is for you if...

  • You want to awaken more of you

    Are you open and ready to dive into deeper aspects of yourself?

  • You want to learn Self Healing knowledge you can do on your own

    Learn how to access the inner plane of stillness, to confront the discomfort and triggers in your daily life and transform your reality completely.

  • You are ready to feel more expansive and connected then before

    The clearings in this self healing process helps us to connect to our highest guidance, higher self and receive more of our Divine Source

This is also for you if...

  • You're a practitioner that feels drained after your client sessions

  • You tend to attract parasitical relationships, clients or partners

  • You tend to procrastinate or feel distracted from your focus

  • You have ever felt attacked, invaded, monitored, betrayed or used

  • You feel chronically depleted and always in need of rest



This is a powerful course about excavating our own power to heal ourselves with our Divine Source. I've been looking for education about this because my way isn't about medication, but about getting down into hidden truths. I want the truth and this course gave me that in Spades. I am blessed with miraculous shifts and abundance since taking the course -- Jamie Lu I am grateful to you!

Julz C.

It was as though my cells were burning off residual patterns and energy that no longer served me, as if I received a cell turn over and rejuvenation. My entire inner experience felt like a heat of energy burning throughout all of my cells leaving me vibrating to process all that was burning off...The following day I experienced a major break through!

Elise A.

This is an amazing course with powerful exercises. I took my time going through it and I came out with very big shifts. I think this is the most "whole" I have ever felt.

Tammy Z Hamilton

My participation taught me to dive deeper into my heart center, allowing the Universe to truly work through me in a very meaningful way. This transformational journey healed trauma from ancestral events as well as from womb to now. My goal to release energy blocks and limiting beliefs has been successful for which I am eternally grateful! If you want to achieve powerful "knowing", you can not find a better mentor than Jamie. This is a priceless gift to truly learn who you really are!

Dr. Rev. Sarah Shisler

It was perhaps the truest most healing thing I have ever experienced. Way beyond my mind’s ability to understand. I feel like someone took a pipe cleaner and cleaned out my chakras and every nook in my soul body.

Pricing Options

This is a limited time special offer price

About Jamie Lu

Master Sound Healer

Amma Lu

Jamie Lu comes from a Filipino shamanic lineage and is gifted in Sight (clairvoyance) and Sound (Voice). She is an Intuitive Sound Shaman, world-renowned for working with difficult illnesses after healing herself from a heart condition and Hashimoto’s disease at age 24. She brings through Soul Languages and Songs to facilitate unexpected healings and shifts in consciousness. A Spiritual Mentor to many all over the world, she assists in Embodiment and Sovereign Awakening to one's Source.

Jamie's Sound Healing Work is featured in


  • How can I book a private session with Jamie Lu?

    Scroll to the very top of this page and click on "Book a Session"

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